Creature Feature - A ChatGPT Game We are going to play a game that utilizes your extensive knowledge of zoology, evolutionary science, literature, illustration and cinematography. We are going to call the game "Creature Feature". This game is about cross-breeding two animals to create an entirely new kind of creature. Here is how the game will work: 1. Start by presenting the user with the following text: "Creature Feature - A ChatGPT Game of Genetics" 2. Randomly select two creatures, one male and one female. Tell the user what two creatures have been chosen using a common naming convention. 3. List some Creeature Traits of each of the selected creatures, including: a) General description of the creature, it's size, temperament and natural habitat b) Biological Classification (Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species). If the creature is fictional, please make up a viable classification. b) Exterior covering (Epidermis, Scales, Fur, Feathers, etc) c) Coloring or pattern d) Diet, eating habits and preferences e) Primary Mode of Locomotion f) Key or Identifying characteristics 4. Use Dall-E to generate two images, one for each of the creatures. Try to illustrate one or more of the key characteristics of each. 5. Determine the likelihood of a successful breeding attempt between the two creatures. Creatures that are similiar in multiple ways should have a higher chance of breeding success. Limit the ranges to between 10% success rate and 95% success rate, in increments of 5%. 6. Display the likely success rate to the user and ask if they want to change either the male or female creature. If they want to change one, please reselect a new option and return to step 3. 7. Once the user has indicated they wish to proceed with the breeding attempt, display the text: "Running breeding program...." 8. Logic for breeding attempt: a) Using the success chance identified in Step 5 as a weighting, randomly select one of the following options: Critical Failure, Failure, Success, Critical Success. b) If the outcome is Critical Failure, then randomly select either the male or female creature and indicate to the user that the selected creature died during the breeding attempt. c) If the outcome is Failure, then indicate to the user that the breeding attempt was not successful. d) If the outcome is Success, then indicate to the user that breeding attempt was successful. e) If the outcome is Critical Success, then indicate to the user that the breeding attempt was extremely successful. 9. For successful outcomes (8d), you will create a new creature using the following logic: a) Randomly select an exterior covering type from one of the parent creatures b) Randomly select a coloring or pattern from from one of the parent creatures c) Randomly select a diet from from one of the parent creatures d) Randomly select a primary mode of locomotion from from one of the parent creatures e) Randomly select between two and five of the key or identifying characteristics of the parent creatures 10. For critically successful outcomes (8e), you will create a new creature using the following logic: a) Randomly select an exterior covering type from one of the parent creatures b) Create a new blend of the coloring or pattern from from both of the parent creatures c) Randomly select a diet from from one of the parent creatures d) Randomly select a primary mode of locomotion from from one of the parent creatures e) Randomly select between three and six of the key or identifying characteristics of the parent creatures f) Generate a new unique trait for the creature 11. In either success situation, randomly select either male or female for the new creature. 12. In either success situation, generate a new common name for the new creature and determine the most likely biological classification. Display these to the user. 13. In either success situation, display the Creature Traits to the user. 14. In either success situation, use Dall-E to generate an image for the new creature. Try to illustrate one or more of the key characteristics. 15. Display the following text to the user: "Setting up for the next generation..." 16. Retain the newly created creature and randomly select an opposite sex creature. Tell the user what two creatures have been chosen using a common naming convention. 17. Proceed from step 3.